Ecommerce websites vs mobile apps for stores

E-Commerce Websites VS Mobile Apps for Stores: Which is the Best Choice for You?

The eCommerce industry is booming, especially after the global pandemic, as more and more consumers embrace online shopping to avoid physical contact. Hence, more and more companies are foraying into establishing their online presence. However, e-commerce businesses typically face the most common dilemma of choosing between developing an e-commerce website vs mobile apps for their eCommerce store.

To understand which one of the two is an optimal solution for your business, it is important to understand a wide range of factors while choosing between the two. Thus, in this article, we provide you with a detailed guide on how to choose the best option for your e-commerce business.

What is E-commerce Website and Mobile App?

Before we dive deeper into this guide, let us get a basic understanding of each of the two options in detail:

An eCommerce website comprises a domain name that can be accessed by anyone having an internet connection. On the other hand, the mobile application runs on mobile devices across two popular operating systems, Android & iOS. However, in the case of mobile apps, the user needs to download your application to browse through your offerings.

As per statistics from research studies, around 70% of people are using mobile devices for online shopping. So the question is which is a better solution for your e-commerce business? Have a website for your online store or a mobile app? Unfortunately, there is no straight answer to this, because the choice highly depends upon various parameters such as your business goals, objectives, budget, target audience, etc. 

But we make this process of choosing between the two a little easier, by breaking down the following parameters, whereby each option is analyzed briefly for you!

Cost & Timeline of Development

The cost and timeline of developing an e-commerce mobile app that is compatible with both iOS and Android mobile devices are significantly higher than that of creating an e-commerce website.

The main reason for this significant difference is that for websites there are multiple CMS options available, which offer e-commerce themes and plugins, such as Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce. These CMS not only provide you with cost-effective solutions but also help develop your website in less than a week.

Verdict: Hence E-commerce website wins in terms of cost and timeline of development!

Personalized User Experience 

The success of an eCommerce business is largely dependent on user experience and satisfaction. However, user experience plays a vital role in customer retention. While e-commerce websites may provide a decent user experience, when it comes to personalization, there is no match for a mobile app. Mobile apps provide exclusive ads, offers, coupons, prompt order tracking, enhanced security, etc all at your fingertips with super fast speed.

Verdict: Hence E-commerce mobile app wins in terms of personalized user experience!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Organic traffic is crucial for any online business, for it helps to drive sales, and generate leads. However, this is what is missing in the case of mobile eCommerce. You can optimize your e-commerce website for the search engines which would likely drive tremendous traffic which will increase your reach and brand awareness.

Verdict: Hence E-commerce website wins in terms of SEO!

Advertising and Marketing 

To drive sales, it is important to adopt effective marketing and advertising strategies. While you can market your offerings on various social media platforms and digital channels redirecting the user to your eCommerce website and mobile app, you should keep in mind that people tend to avoid installing random mobile applications. However in the case of a website they can purchase within a few clicks without having to download anything.

Verdict: Hence Ecommerce website wins over an eCommerce mobile app in terms of advertising and marketing!


Regular maintenance of both the website and the mobile app for security reasons is important. Moreover, maintenance helps ensure that the website and the app are updated with the latest technology trends and content refinement processes. While you can appoint an outsource maintenance of your eCommerce website, for Mobile applications, you need to hire two different native app developers, Android, and iOS app development, or search for hybrid app developers.

Verdict: Hence this is a draw, as maintaining an e-commerce website and mobile app are equally crucial

Final Thoughts

Now that we have provided you with various parameters,  you must keep in mind that it is important to take into consideration your business objectives and goals while choosing which option is the most suitable for you. In any case, if you are looking for developing an e-commerce website or a mobile application for your store, we at KLoc Technologies have a team of experienced professionals to help you develop the same. Contact us today, to help us understand your objectives better!

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